At Vesting Finance, we enjoy working with students
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Tim Beens or Lodewijk Burger at stating internship.

“Ik hoorde over Vesting Finance via een kennis die er al jaren met veel plezier werkt. Omdat ik op zoek was naar een stagebedrijf, besloot ik meer over Vesting Finance op te zoeken. Toen kwam ik tot de conclusie dat de professionele maar toegankelijke werksfeer, gecombineerd met de mogelijkheid om direct impact te maken in een relevant werkveld, Vesting Finance voor mij de ideale plek maakt om mezelf verder te ontwikkelen.
Na mijn bezoek aan de website en het versturen van een open sollicitatie, werd ik al snel uitgenodigd voor een gesprek. Voor ik het wist, had ik een stageplek gevonden en mocht ik zelfs, voorafgaand aan de stage, in mijn vrije uren van school al aan het werk op kantoor!
Mijn afstudeeronderzoek richt zich op het onderzoeken hoe voorspellende AI kan bijdragen aan een efficiënter incassoproces bij Vesting Finance. Hiermee hoop ik een waardevolle bijdrage te leveren aan de innovatie binnen de organisatie. Ik hoop dat deze stage mij helpt mijn kennis en vaardigheden te verbreden, vooral op het gebied van data-analyse, AI en de financiële sector. Daarnaast zie ik het als een kans om praktijkervaring op te doen en mezelf verder te ontwikkelen binnen een professionele omgeving. Voor Vesting Finance wil ik een frisse blik en nieuwe inzichten bieden, terwijl ik tegelijkertijd leer van de expertise binnen het bedrijf.”

Ismael completed an internship with us from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Almere, the Netherlands, where he was studying Commercial Economics. Within the Secured Servicing Team, Ismael researched how customers experience our service, or Customer Journey.
Ismael: ‘I came into contact with Vesting Finance through my teacher, who told me about the opportunities within the organisation. I then contacted Lodewijk (Corporate Recruiter) and was soon able to get acquainted. During this acquaintance with Stefan and Yvonne, I was immediately struck by the flexibility and trust Vesting Finance places in its employees.From the very first day I felt welcome and I was immersed in a collegial and supportive working environment. My goals at Vesting Finance are to gain insight into the dynamics of business and to further develop my communication skills. In addition, I like to expand my professional network, something I will certainly also realise here. At the end of my internship period, my result will be to present an advice which can help Vesting Finance to take their services to the next level.’

Anna Simmelink did an internship with Vesting Finance's Communication & Marketing Team from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Anna conducted research into deploying the right branding in the commercial growth of our organisation.
Anna: ‘After I posted a call on LinkedIn, Lodewijk Burger (Corporate Recruiter) contacted me and it clicked immediately. After my introductory interview at the office, I was very enthusiastic and together we decided that I will graduate here. In doing so, I spent six months doing research in the field of Branding for my graduation. My first weeks at Vesting Finance went extremely well. Vesting Finance has an informal, friendly but also motivated culture, which is a very nice atmosphere to work in. I look back on a learning period!’

Amber joined our Learning & Development team as an intern from her degree in HRM at the Hogeschool of Utrecht. Amber conducted research into our training and education environment and how to create a learning culture within Vesting Finance.
Amber: ‘Via Ambre (our previous intern), an acquaintance from my high school days, I came into contact with Vesting Finance. She introduced me and then I was allowed to do a six-month internship in the Learning & Development department on my graduation research. Vesting Finance has an open culture in which colleagues are willing to think with each other and the atmosphere is pleasant. I look back positively on a period where I was part of this fun HR team, I finished my thesis with an 8.4 and also got to deliver the L&D knowledge library for the Vesting Finance which is actually useful for in the future.’

Ambre joined our HR team as an intern. From her study HRM at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, she did an internship with us. Ambre's work included research into the Employee Journey within our organisation.
Ambre: ‘I came into contact with Vesting Finance in response to my call on LinkedIn. Vesting Finance's Corporate Recruiter contacted me and it clicked immediately. I found it very nice and instructive to carry out my graduation assignment at Vesting Finance. I look back on it positively. You can use your own creativity and people listen to what you have to say. Support, sociability and being able to contribute describes my feeling of this period. I look back on a successful time with a nice job for six months after my internship assignment. How nice is that!‘’