Wki takes effect April 1
Wet Kwaliteit Incassodienstverlening (Collection Services Quality Act) takes effect on April 1. Vesting Finance views this new legislation with confidence.

Collection Services Quality Act effective April 1.
From April 1, 2024, the new Law on Quality of Collection Services (WKI) will take effect. This law aims to improve the quality of debt collection service providers and creditors. As an organization we are happy to contribute to this! The WKI sets various requirements for debt collection companies, so that customers with debts are better protected and creditors know better what debt collection service providers can do for them. The legislator was strongly inspired by the NVI (Dutch Association of Certified Collection Companies).
As an NVI member, we as an organization are already fully accustomed to comply with these rules regarding quality and even recognize this. We look forward to this new legislation with confidence!