Your first point of contact about your loan and payment at Tinka.
Welcome to Tinka!
Vesting Finance Servicing B.V. performs the operational work for all credit agreements that Tinka clients have. From now on, Vesting Finance will be the first point of contact for all your questions about your loan and its payment. The services from Vesting Finance Servicing will continue on behalf of Tinka.
Within Vesting Finance Servicing it is not possible to chat. Do you have questions about your contract: Contractbeheer@mijnlening.tinka.nl.
Do you have questions about your arrears: Debiteurenbeheer@mijnlening.tinka.nl
The Tinka app is no longer in use. Customers who have a credit agreement with Tinka can now log in to the new Online Tinka portal.
Last days we shared login information for the new portal for Tinka. Due to an SMS disruption, logging in did not work for some customers.
The disruption has since been resolved. Should you have experienced problems logging into the new portal for Tinka we would like to kindly ask you to try again.
Would you like to make a payment?
You can no longer pay your monthly instalment via the portal. You can pay your monthly installment via the payment link in our e-mail, which you receive from us every month. This payment link can be used for 30 days.
You can also manually transfer your monthly payment to account number NL08 INGB 0000 966 966 in the name of Tinka, stating your customer number.
Have you paid your instalment amount and it is not yet visible in your online environment? It can take three days to process your payment.
Direct debit is also possible. Mail your request for direct debit with your details and customer number to Contractbeheer@mijnlening.tinka.nl.
We will then send you an authorization form that you must complete and return.
Did you know that many of your questions can also be answered via our website? Visit www.tinka.nl for more information.